📝Develop Guide

BRC-720 Protocol empowers developers with JavaScript capabilities for dynamic content generation. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on integrating the 720 Protocol into your web pages and utilizing the associated JavaScript functions.

Getting Started

  1. Include JavaScript File:

Ensure that the 720 Protocol JavaScript file is included in your HTML document using the <script> tag.

//<script src="/content/10b13403d0b33acb0e802ae0d79f8aa45fa5264c23bf7c17c8e41d54fe76d2e7i0"></script>

  1. Initialize the Protocol:

Call the startX function to initialize the protocol and unleash its capabilities.

  1. Customize Integration:

Review and customize the JavaScript file according to your specific requirements, especially the startX function.

Example Integration

Here's an example HTML document demonstrating the integration of the 720 Protocol and the associated JavaScript functions:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>720 Protocol Integration</title>
  <script src="/content/10b13403d0b33acb0e802ae0d79f8aa45fa5264c23bf7c17c8e41d54fe76d2e7i0"></script>

  <!-- Your page content -->

    // Call the JavaScript functions


Advanced Customization

Take advantage of advanced features within the JavaScript file:

  • Organize Data: Customize data for different elements like arms, legs, and more. Modify the organ_data variable to suit your content.

  • Background Images: Adjust background images based on dynamic data. The example provided shows how to load images dynamically.

Important Considerations

  • Ensure that the JavaScript file is loaded after the HTML content to guarantee the proper execution of the defined functions.

  • Developers are encouraged to thoroughly understand the logic within the JavaScript file for potential customization opportunities.

By following these steps, developers can seamlessly integrate the 720 Protocol and leverage its JavaScript capabilities for dynamic and interactive content on their websites.


This HTML file corresponds to the web page for X-Bitman #1. Let's break down its structure and purpose:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>X-Bitman #1</title>
  <meta name="p" content="brc-720" />
  <meta name="tick" content="X-Bitman" />
  <meta name="id" content="1" />
  <meta name="supply" content="2100" />
  <meta name="BitmanID" content="0" />
    <div id="xbitman" data-bitman="8162060e25da405ed90afb51e437570530e2e6149c5be952e414e0307187800fi0" data-path="/"></div>
    <script src="/content/10b13403d0b33acb0e802ae0d79f8aa45fa5264c23bf7c17c8e41d54fe76d2e7i0"></script>
    <!-- generate by https://bitworld.ai/ -->
  • Document Type Declaration (DOCTYPE):

// <!DOCTYPE html>

This declaration defines the document to be HTML5.

  • HTML Document Structure:


The root element of the HTML document.

  • Head Section:


Contains meta-information about the HTML document. Title:

<title>X-Bitman #1</title>

Specifies the title of the document, which is "X-Bitman #1."

Meta Tags:

<meta name="p" content="brc-720" />
<meta name="tick" content="X-Bitman" />
<meta name="id" content="1" />
<meta name="supply" content="2100" />
<meta name="BitmanID" content="0" />

Provides additional information or metadata. For example, "p" with content "brc-720" might indicate a specific protocol.

  • Body Section:


Contains the content of the HTML document.

X-Bitman Container:

<div id="xbitman" data-bitman="8162060e25da405ed90afb51e437570530e2e6149c5be952e414e0307187800fi0" data-path="/"></div>

An HTML container with the ID "xbitman" and custom data attributes. This likely serves as a placeholder for dynamic content generated by JavaScript.

Script Tag:

<script src="/content/10b13403d0b33acb0e802ae0d79f8aa45fa5264c23bf7c17c8e41d54fe76d2e7i0"></script>

Links an external JavaScript file. The script is likely responsible for dynamic content generation.


<!-- generate by https://bitworld.ai/ -->

A comment indicating that the HTML might have been generated by the specified website (bitworld.ai).

  • Closing Tags:


Closes the body and HTML tags, respectively.

In summary, this HTML file sets up a basic structure for a web page related to X-Bitman #1. The use of meta tags and a script suggests dynamic content generation, potentially driven by the linked JavaScript file.


(function(c, d) {
  const p = b,
    e = c();
  while (!![]) {
    try {
      const f = -parseInt(p(0x18e)) / 0x1 * (parseInt(p(0x1c4)) / 0x2) + parseInt(p(0x1af)) / 0x3 * (parseInt(p(0x19d)) / 0x4) + -parseInt(p(0x1a5)) / 0x5 + parseInt(p(0x18b)) / 0x6 * (parseInt(p(0x1a6)) / 0x7) + -parseInt(p(0x1a1)) / 0x8 * (parseInt(p(0x1cf)) / 0x9) + parseInt(p(0x1b4)) / 0xa + parseInt(p(0x18d)) / 0xb;
      if (f === d) break;
      else e['push'](e['shift']());
    } catch (g) {
}(a, 0x1a432));

function b(c, d) {
  const e = a();
  return b = function(f, g) {
    f = f - 0x17e;
    let h = e[f];
    return h;
  }, b(c, d);

function a() {
  const r = ['width:520px;height:520px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index:', 'Species', '282855HgqwLe', 'meta[name=\x22BitmanID\x22]', 'Wealth', 'ebATt', 'content/88624cee9944c0457d4d8d57bec97ae3c62cbe1e48be257bab99b6a3e66ddceci0)', '174740myQcXd', 'zoom', 'createElement', 'EpuxA', 'Birthdate', 'data-path', 'BhKGa', '7543a48297125f4104540feeb0066afbb78350faf8f99c1589280e3dc3f54e53i0', 'IANdS', 'getAttribute', 'YbtIn', 'jFGjO', 'VLVOw', 'setAttribute', 'JtOqf', 'PRdsH', '14TmAIsT', 'arm_right', '08ce2ba5a5925a4c7ecb0aca513f70b7619502461daa3cb3d77066071323e969i0', 'vROBq', '720', 'cRsjP', '6ccc2695a1307e52f9b69c6bb5c25aad83af8907e94ebe9a311c1b5f72bab333i0', 'body', 'head', 'EuKYc', 'CsWUD', '36WbQZga', 'parse', 'vnIhw', 'vwnDF', 'toString', ';backround-position:0\x200;backround-size:520px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-image:url(', 'leg_right', 'div', 'xbitman', 'Stkjv', 'arm_left', 'AKEgr', 'Size', 'qmchp', '05e3f44dd4d06c39cea6aee0ae8a09efdcda7f5496027eac4fbce10817544e86i0', 'Weight', 'UKGmC', '594hSYiKe', 'ECiwa', '3481236ZJEWqU', '24355ubSNUE', 'sHNKa', 'DmtPO', 'REBco', 'IsiMs', 'json', 'fQgIb', 'zpkos', 'GTIcN', 'SFIyn', 'NJdtl', 'HZftM', 'data-bitman', 'append', 'Wisdom', '4YtMYfd', '59759d5981b805678e22cc8e7b7d550c30bf500306b00f4614335dc472326704i0', 'VowBa', 'jzLrp', '345224Regrfx', 'DSFAF', 'getElementById', 'jnEPv', '454615QBTxHZ', '8015XCyoHe', 'indexOf', 'XXcib', ':00', 'VLIqG', 'style', 'xLRqM'];
  a = function() {
    return r;
  return a();
async function startX() {
  const q = b,
    c = {
      'ebATt': q(0x19e),
      'VowBa': q(0x189),
      'UKGmC': '7bce8f0f3fd776e58831cacec0f945acf94020973994f96cf3bf514f08b246cdi0',
      'PRdsH': q(0x186),
      'jnEPv': '16754ce7a7c6c61a356a19bb2f808feeda8a024d52d4c3710e6af84c90f34c84i0',
      'sHNKa': q(0x19c),
      'GTIcN': 'a05738c88eb8665c26e16fa4fe637e6d40b3f7d65671f4edaceef5bbc631931bi0',
      'vROBq': q(0x1b8),
      'SFIyn': q(0x1c6),
      'AKEgr': '6c7221c026a023596f2f67c46ee9e33ed6b89581f7a1484eba38551c53a01302i0',
      'DSFAF': q(0x188),
      'KuNmP': q(0x1ca),
      'VLIqG': q(0x1b1),
      'BhKGa': q(0x1ab),
      'REBco': 'margin:0;padding:0;background-color:#0c0c18',
      'Stkjv': q(0x19a),
      'ECiwa': q(0x1b9),
      'CsWUD': 'content',
      'IsiMs': q(0x1c8),
      'jFGjO': function(m, n) {
        return m + n;
      'vnIhw': 'url(',
      'zpkos': q(0x1b3),
      'iateZ': function(m, n) {
        return m(n);
      'IANdS': function(m, n) {
        return m + n;
      'fQgIb': 'content/',
      'FYmBt': function(m, n) {
        return m == n;
      'NJdtl': function(m, n) {
        return m == n;
      'KzRfF': 'body',
      'EuKYc': function(m, n) {
        return m / n;
      'YbtIn': function(m, n) {
        return m < n;
      'EpuxA': function(m, n) {
        return m == n;
      'HZftM': q(0x184),
      'vwnDF': function(m, n) {
        return m == n;
      'DmtPO': q(0x1c5),
      'JtOqf': 'leg_left',
      'xLRqM': q(0x180),
      'jzLrp': function(m, n, o) {
        return m(n, o);
      'cRsjP': q(0x181),
      'VLVOw': function(m, n) {
        return m + n;
      'XXcib': q(0x1ad),
      'qmchp': q(0x17f),
      'mWvPe': function(m, n) {
        return m - n;
  let e = {
    'arm_left': [c[q(0x1b2)], c[q(0x19f)]],
    'leg_left': [c[q(0x18a)], c[q(0x1c3)]],
    'ear_left': [c[q(0x1a4)], c['sHNKa']],
    'body': [c[q(0x196)], c[q(0x1c7)]],
    'head': [q(0x1bb), q(0x1ae)],
    'arm_right': [c[q(0x197)], c['VowBa']],
    'leg_right': [c[q(0x185)], c[q(0x1c3)]],
    'ear_right': [c[q(0x1a2)], c[q(0x18f)]],
    'deck': [c['KuNmP'], c[q(0x1aa)]]
  document[q(0x1cb)][q(0x1c1)](c[q(0x1ba)], c[q(0x191)]), document[q(0x1cb)]['style'][q(0x1b5)] = document[q(0x1cb)]['offsetWidth'] / 0x208;
  let f = document[q(0x1a3)](q(0x182));
  f['setAttribute'](q(0x1ab), 'width:520px;height:520px;position:relative;margin:0\x20auto\x200\x20auto');
  let g = f[q(0x1bd)](c[q(0x183)]),
    h = f[q(0x1bd)](c[q(0x18c)]),
    i = document['querySelector'](q(0x1b0));
  i && (i[q(0x1bd)](c[q(0x1ce)])[q(0x1a7)](c[q(0x192)]) >= 0x0 && (f[q(0x1ab)]['backgroundImage'] = c[q(0x1bf)](c[q(0x1d1)] + h, c[q(0x195)])));
  let j = await c['iateZ'](fetch, c['IANdS'](c['IANdS'](h, c['fQgIb']), g)),
    k = await j[q(0x193)](),
    l = 0x1;
  for (let m in e) {
    organ_data = k[e[m][0x1]];
    c['FYmBt'](m, q(0x1cc)) && (organ_data = parseInt(organ_data['substring'](0x2), 0x10));
    c[q(0x198)](m, c['KzRfF']) && (organ_data = c[q(0x1cd)](Date[q(0x1d0)](organ_data + q(0x1a9)), 0x3e8));
    c[q(0x1be)](organ_data, 0x0) && (organ_data = 0x0);
    (c[q(0x1b7)](m, c[q(0x199)]) || c[q(0x1d2)](m, c[q(0x190)]) || m == c[q(0x1c2)] || c[q(0x1b7)](m, c[q(0x1ac)])) && (organ_data = c[q(0x1a0)](parseInt, organ_data / 0x64, 0xa));
    let n = document[q(0x1b6)](c[q(0x1c9)]);
    n[q(0x1c1)](q(0x1ab), c['VLVOw'](c[q(0x1bc)](c[q(0x1c0)](c[q(0x1c0)](c[q(0x1bf)](c[q(0x1a8)], l) + c[q(0x187)], h), c[q(0x194)]), e[m][0x0]), ')')), n[q(0x1ab)]['backgroundPositionX'] = c[q(0x1bc)]('-' + 0x208 * c['mWvPe'](organ_data[q(0x17e)]()['length'], 0x1), 'px'), f[q(0x19b)](n), l++;


The JavaScript code is a self-executing function (IIFE) that defines and invokes various functions to manipulate and create HTML elements dynamically. Here's an explanation of the key components and functionalities:

  • IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression):

(function (c, d) {
  // ... code ...
}(a, 0x1a432));

This is an IIFE that takes two parameters, c and d. It appears to contain a loop that executes certain calculations until a specific condition (f === d) is met.

  • Function b(c, d):

function b(c, d) {
  const e = a();
  return b = function (f, g) {
    f = f - 0x17e;
    let h = e[f];
    return h;
  }, b(c, d);

This function takes two parameters c and d. It initializes a variable e with the result of calling the function a(). The function returns another function, which seems to access elements from the array e based on the values of f and g.

  • Function a():

function a() {
  const r = ['width:520px;height:520px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index:', /* ... other values ... */];
  a = function() {
    return r;
  return a();

This function initializes an array r and then redefines itself to return that array. It seems to serve as a utility function to provide an array of predefined values.

  • Async Function startX():

async function startX() {
  // ... code ...

This is an asynchronous function that performs various operations, including fetching data asynchronously, manipulating the DOM (Document Object Model), and updating the styles of HTML elements.

  • Invocation of startX():


Finally, the startX() function is invoked, triggering the execution of the code within that function.

Please note that the actual functionalities and the purpose of this code depend on the values and logic within the omitted parts (marked as // ... code ...).

Last updated